Similar to the Boost Rings, they do give players a small boost, but this time the ship will stay in that constant direction. The Boost Rings give the player a small boost in speed but will change the direction the Gummi Ship is going to. If players need to exit, they can roll out at any time. Just enter it and it will automatically take the player to the end of it. They are these massive wind tunnels connecting different areas in space. Aside from that, there are three different types of areas in space that allow players to get around much faster. The most obvious of the bunch would be to press the boost button. There are a few methods for going faster while riding the Gummi Ship. Treasure Spheres on the Gummi Ship for Beginners in Kingdom Hearts 3

These are the items players will find as they explore each quadrant. Items: These contain blocks that players can use to customize their Gummi Ship.HP Prizes: These will restore the HP of the Gummi Ship.Unique Items: These items are typically synthesis items Sora can use at the Synthesis Shop.

Related: Kingdom Hearts 3: Summons Guide (& How To Use Them) In Kingdom Hearts 3, the Gummi Ship formula has been severally changed from its previous iterations and this guide will help beginner players understand everything happening in the cosmos.

In these minigames, Sora can collect materials to improve his ship to make them stronger, faster, or have more defense.
The Gummi Ship has been absent from the Kingdom Hearts series since Kingdom Hearts 2 back on the Playstation 2. This strangely polygonal spacecraft provides a minigame in their respective Kingdom Hearts titles that bridges the gaps between the worlds. The Gummi ship has been a method of travel for our heroes since 2002. Here's a guide for beginners on how to best use them. Kingdom Hearts 3 returns the Gummi Ship, an intergalactic spaceship Sora, Donald, and Goofy use to travel between the various Disney Worlds.